Beginning Stages
While the early months of a relationship can feel effortless and
exciting, successful long-term relationships involve ongoing effort and
compromise by both partners. Building healthy patterns early in your
relationship can establish a solid foundation for the long run. When you are
just starting a relationship, it is important to:
- Build. Build a
foundation of appreciation and respect. Focus on all the considerate
things your partner says and does. Happy couples make a point of
noticing even small opportunities to say "thank you" to their
partner, rather than focusing on mistakes their partner has made.
- Explore. Explore each
other's interests so that you have a long list of things to enjoy
together. Try new things together to expand mutual interests.
- Establish. Establish a
pattern of apologizing if you make a mistake or hurt your partner's
feelings. Saying "I'm sorry" may be hard in the moment, but it
goes a long way towards healing a rift in a relationship. Your partner
will trust you more if he or she knows that you will take responsibility
for your words and actions.
As the Months Go By: Important Things to Recognize as
Your Relationship Grows Relationships Change. Changes
in life outside your relationship will impact what you want and need from the
relationship. Since change is inevitable, welcoming it as an opportunity to
enhance the relationship is more fruitful than trying to keep it from
happening.Check in Periodically. Occasionally
set aside time to check in with each other on changing expectations and
goals. If a couple ignores difficult topics for too long, their relationship
is likely to drift into rocky waters without their noticing.
to Do When Conflict Arises Disagreements in a relationship are not only normal but, if
constructively resolved, actually strengthen the relationship. It is
inevitable that there will be times of sadness, tension, or outright anger
between you and your partner. The source of these problems may lie in
unrealistic/unreasonable demands, unexplored expectations, or unresolved
issues/behaviors in one partner or in the relationship. Resolving conflicts
requires honesty, a willingness to consider your partner's perspective even
if you don't fully understand it, and lots of communication.
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- Understand
Each Others' Family Patterns. Find out how
conflicts were managed (or not managed) in your partner's family, and
talk about how conflict was approached (or avoided) in your own family.
It is not unusual for couples to discover that their families had
different ways of expressing anger and resolving differences. If your
family wasn't good at communicating or resolving conflict
constructively, give yourself permission to try out some new ways of
handling conflict.
- Timing Counts. Contrary to
previous notions, the best time to resolve a conflict may not be
immediately. It is not unusual for one or both partners to need some
time to cool off. This "time-out' period can help you avoid saying
or doing hurtful things in the heat of the moment, and can help partners
more clearly identify what changes are most important. Remember - if you
are angry with your partner but don't know what you want yet, it will be
nearly impossible for your partner to figure it out!
- Establish an
Atmosphere of Emotional Support. Emotional
support involves accepting your partner's differences and not insisting
that he or she meet your needs only in the precise way that you want
them met. Find out how your partner shows his or her love for you, and
don't set absolute criteria that require your partner to always behave
differently before you're satisfied.
- Agree to
Disagree and Move On. Most couples
will encounter some issues upon which they will never completely agree.
Rather than continuing a cycle of repeated fights, agree to disagree and
negotiate a compromise or find a way to work around the issue.
- Distinguish
between things you want versus things you need from your partner. For example,
for safety reasons, you might need your partner to remember to pick you
up on time after dark. But calling you several times a day may really
only be a "want."
- Clarify Your
Messages. A clear
message involves a respectful but direct expression of your wants and
needs. Take some time to identify what you really want before talking to
your partner. Work on being able to describe your request in clear,
observable terms. For example, you might say, "I would like you to
hold my hand more often" rather than the vague, "I wish you
were more affectionate."
- Discuss One
Thing at a Time. It can be
tempting to list your concerns or grievances, but doing so will likely
prolong an argument. Do your best to keep the focus on resolving one
concern at a time.
- Really Listen. Being a good
listener requires the following: (a) don't interrupt, (b) focus on what
your partner is saying rather than on formulating your own response, and
(c) check out what you heard your partner say. You might start this
process with: "I think you are saying..." Or "what I
understood you to say was..." This step alone can prevent
misunderstandings that might otherwise develop into a fight.
- Restrain
Yourself. Research has
found that couples who "edit" themselves and do not say all
the angry things they may be thinking are typically the happiest.
- Adopt a
"Win-Win" Position. A
"win-win" stance means that your goal is for the relationship,
rather than for either partner, to "win" in a conflict
situation. Ask yourself: "Is what I am about to say (or do) going
to increase or decrease the odds that we'll work this problem out?"
Healthy and Problematic Expectations in Relationships Each of us enters into romantic relationships with ideas about
what we want based on family relationships, what we've seen in the media, and
our own past relationship experiences. Holding on to unrealistic expectations
can cause a relationship to be unsatisfying and to eventually fail. The
following will help you to distinguish between healthy and problematic
relationship expectations:
- Respect
Changes. What you want
from a relationship in the early months of dating may be quite different
from what you want after you have been together for some time.
Anticipate that both you and your partner will change over time.
Feelings of love and passion change with time, as well. Respecting and
valuing these changes is healthy. Love literally changes brain chemistry
for the first months of a relationship. For both physiological and
emotional reasons, an established relationship will have a more complex
and often richer type of passion than a new relationship.
- Accept Differences. It is
difficult, but healthy, to accept that there are some things about our
partners that will not change over time, no matter how much we want them
to. Unfortunately, there is often an expectation that our partner will
change only in the ways we want. We may also hold the unrealistic
expectation that our partner will never change from the way he or she is
- Express Wants
and Needs. While it is
easy to assume that your partner knows your wants and needs, this is
often not the case and can be the source of much stress in
relationships. A healthier approach is to directly express our needs and
wishes to our partner.
- Respect Your
Partner's Rights. In healthy
relationships, there is respect for each partner's right to have her/his
own feelings, friends, activities, and opinions. It is unrealistic to
expect or demand that that he or she have the same priorities, goals,
and interests as you.
- Be Prepared to
"Fight Fair." Couples who
view conflict as a threat to the relationship, and something to be
avoided at all costs, often find that accumulated and unaddressed
conflicts are the real threat. Healthy couples fight, but they
"fight fair" - accepting responsibility for their part in a
problem, admitting when they are wrong, and seeking compromise.
Additional information about fair fighting can be found here.
- Maintain the Relationship. Most of us know that keeping a vehicle moving in the desired
direction requires not only regular refueling, but also ongoing maintenance
and active corrections to the steering to compensate for changes in the road.
A similar situation applies to continuing relationships. While we may work
hard to get the relationship started, expecting to cruise without effort or
active maintenance typically leads the relationship to stall or crash! Though
gifts and getaways are important, it is often the small, nonmaterial things
that partners routinely do for each other that keep the relationship
.Outside Pressures on the Relationship Differences in Background. Even partners coming from very similar cultural,
religious, or economic backgrounds can benefit from discussing their
expectations of how a good boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse behaves. What
seems obvious or normal to you may surprise your partner, and vice versa. If
you are from different backgrounds, be aware that you may need to spend more
time and energy to build your relationship. Take the time to learn about your
partner's culture or religion, being careful to check out what parts of such
information actually fit for your partner.Time Together and Apart. How
much time you spend together and apart is a common relationship concern. If
you interpret your partner's time apart from you as, "he or she doesn't
care for me as much as I care for him or her," you may be headed for
trouble by jumping to conclusions. Check out with your partner what time alone
means to him or her, and share your feelings about what you need from the
relationship in terms of time together. Demanding what you want, regardless
of your partner's needs, usually ends up driving your partner away, so work
on reaching a compromise.Your Partner's Family. For
many students, families remain an important source of emotional, if not
financial, support during their years at the university. Some people find
dealing with their partner's family difficult or frustrating. It can help to
take a step back and think about parental good intentions. Families may offer
well-intentioned advice about your relationship or your partner. It's
important that the two of you discuss and agree on how you want to respond to
differing family values and support one another in the face of what can be
very intense "suggestions" from family.Friends. There are some
people who seem to believe that "I have to give up all my friends unless
my partner likes them as much as I do." Giving up friends is not healthy
for you or the relationship, except in circumstances where your friends
pressure you to participate in activities that are damaging to yourself and
the relationship. At the same time, keep in mind that your partner may not
enjoy your friends as much as you do. Negotiate which friends you and your
partner spend time with together. You might ask: "Which of my friends do
you enjoy seeing and which ones would you rather I see alone or at other
times when I'm not with you?"
Eight Basic Steps to Maintaining a Good Relationship 1. Be
aware of what you and your partner want for yourselves and what you want from
the relationship. 2. Let one
another know what your needs are. 3. Realize
that your partner will not be able to meet all your needs. Some of these
needs will have to be met outside of the relationship. 4. Be
willing to negotiate and compromise on the things you want from one another. 5. Do not
demand that a partner change to meet all your expectations. Work to accept
the differences between your ideal mate and the real person you are dating. 6. Try to
see things from the other's point of view. This doesn't mean that you must
agree with one another all the time, but rather that both of you can
understand and respect each other's differences, points of view, and separate
needs. 7. Where
critical differences do exist in your expectations, needs, or opinions, try
to work honestly and sincerely to negotiate. Seek professional help early
rather than waiting until the situation becomes critical. 8. Do your
best to treat your partner in a way that says, "I love you and trust
you, and I want to work this out."
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