January 12, 2014

Journey of Android, what's next?


iOS users have always considered themselves a step ahead than android users because of its crash rate and bug report ratio is considerably very less and it is near to impossible that a iOS interface is corrupted by a virus where as Google has been learning from their mistakes and they are keen to introduce a new operating module that is expected to be flawless.. Android 5.0 key lime pie is to be released this year..The first device with Android 5.0 is said to be Samsung Galaxy Note  III. Android lovers have many expectations from this version.

Expected Features:

  • Performance Profiles:
Profiles For Different Purpose and Occasion like at night when you want the brightness to be less and dont want unwanted callers, For Gaming Max Power Delivering option,Another power strip style widget for phone performance profiles would be an easy way to access these functions
  • Better multiple device support:

Switching between your smartphone and tablet will be easier, there will be a better connection through Playstore that one app you buy can be downloaded on your other Devices.
  • Line-drawing keyboard options
Google is thinking to upgrade its line drawing app, Swype which it quite dumb when it comes to predicting words.
  • A video chat app

Why isn’t there a Google Live See My Face Chat app of some sort as part of Android? Is it because we’re too ugly? Is that what you’re saying, Google? .. In the Answer google has decided to make their pre-installed app For Live Video Chatting.
  • Multi-select in the contacts

ever Noticed that you can not select multiple contacts at once on your android phone when you want to send a text or email you have to select the contacts individually
  • Cross-device SMS sync

Whenever  you Change the Device the only things that is left back is SMS, new Android 5.0 has a a solution for it;  if you change your Device Quite alot you can backup your SMS in your Gmail account and then access them again on some other device.
Journey of Android -
§  The CupCake – Android 1.5
§  The Donut – Android 1.6
§  The Eclair – Android 2.0
§  The Froyo – Android 2.2
§  The Gingerbread – Android 2.3
§  The Honeycomb – Android 3.0
§  The Ice Cream Sandwich – Android 4.0
§  The JellyBean – Android 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
§  The KitKat – Android 4.4
§  Expected route – Key Lime Pie – Android 5

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