corruption is a very interesting term and every mind on earth is aware of the word corruption. i exactly can't think of an exact definition of corruption as it constitute a lot of things . but if we define corruption
within few word then "corruption is the abuse of public office and power for personal gain" recently while studying about the facts about corruption i came across a very funny but very accurate definition of corruption.
Corruption is caused by people who shake your hand before an election and your confidence after it.
Here are some very interesting fact about corruption that was taken on the basis of survey held recently across the globe.
1. In India the number of people who paid bribe to access
public service was 54% - over 1 in two
2. Political parties have been found
to be the most corrupt institution in India with a corruption rate as high as
4.4 on a scale of 5
3. police - 62%
4. involved in registry and permit - 61%
5. educational
institutions - 48%
6. land services - 38%
7. India's judiciary – 36%
8. 45% people saying they don't think common man can make a difference
9. 34% people (1 in 3) said they wouldn't report
corruption while facing it.
As per the Global Corruption Barometer 2013 - a
survey of 1.14 lakh people in 107 countries
1. 27% of respondents (1 in 4 people) having paid a
bribe when accessing public services and institutions in the last 12 months
2. More than one person in two
thinks corruption has worsened in the last two years
3. police - 31%
4. the judiaciary - 24%
4. Powerful groups rather than the public are judged to be driving government actions
5. 4% think their government is largely or entirely
run by groups acting in their own interests rather than for the benefit of the
6. The majority of people said that they would be
willing to speak up and report an incident of corruption.
7. Two-thirds of those asked to pay a bribe say
they refused.
the facts shows that where we lies when it comes to pay bribe . i would not tell anything about the way we can overcome these situation as ways only work if we really want it to . but i would really like to mention a quote by our former president A P J Abdul Kalam
if a country is to be corruption free and become a nation of beautiful mind, i strongly feel that there are three key societal member who can make a difference they are the father , the mother, and the teacher.I would like the reader to share their opinion as to what extent do u think the information is correct and what is the best way to overcome this problem?
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